WE CARE Ministries invites you to join us in loving God and loving people by volunteering with us! Without our volunteers, we would be unable to do even a small fraction of what we do. Make a difference today!

Help fight Global Warming

The effects of climate change are already threatening our health, our communities, our economy, our security, and our children’s future.

About Campaign

No, Silicon Valley – bugs are not features. Reach out about a technical issue, share your feedback or ask us about our favorite lunch spot in Miami. We’re here no matter what. We’re here no matter what. No, Silicon Valley – bugs are not features. Reach out about a technical issue, share your feedback or ask us.

No, Silicon Valley – bugs are not features. Reach out about a technical issue, share your feedback or ask us about our favorite lunch spot in Miami. We’re here no matter what.

Donation Details

From our campaigners and lawyers to local groups and supporters, we push for change on causes that matter to you, like:
  • Protecting your local area and making it more climate friendly.
  • Taking government to court over climate-wrecking projects.
  • Fighting for environmental and social justice globally.
  • Taking government to court over climate-wrecking projects.
  • Fighting for environmental and social justice globally.

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Donation Form

The effects of climate change are already threatening our health, our communities, our economy, our security, and our children’s future.
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It’s important to regularly step back and think about how our everyday actions impact the planet. Right now, there are 150 million metric tons of plastic in our oceans—and we’re releasing an additional 8 million metric tons each year. Plastic pollution exists almost everywhere in the ocean, from the remote seas of the Arctic to the floor of the deep sea.

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It's important to regularly step back and think about how our everyday actions impact the planet. Plastic pollution exists almost everywhere in the ocean. About Campaign No, Silicon Valley - bugs are not features. Reach out about a technical issue, share your feedback or ask us about our favorite lunch spot in Miami. We’re here …

Every single country is part of this plastics crisis. By coming together to tackle plastic pollution, we can show that powerful, collective action to restore nature is possible. About Campaign No, Silicon Valley - bugs are not features. Reach out about a technical issue, share your feedback or ask us about our favorite lunch spot …

Properly sorting your waste into the right bins can save money, reduce the amount of material going to landfill and benefit the environment. About Campaign No, Silicon Valley - bugs are not features. Reach out about a technical issue, share your feedback or ask us about our favorite lunch spot in Miami. We’re here no …

Illegal and harmful levels of air pollution across Europe are damaging people’s health, reducing their quality of life and cutting lives short. About Campaign No, Silicon Valley - bugs are not features. Reach out about a technical issue, share your feedback or ask us about our favorite lunch spot in Miami. We’re here no matter …

You can save lives, no matter where in the world you are. Everything you need to help Ukrainians in their fight for peace and freedom – in one place. About Campaign No, Silicon Valley - bugs are not features. Reach out about a technical issue, share your feedback or ask us about our favorite lunch …

Improves education and life skills of orphans and vulnerable children in South Africa, through an After-School Program aimed at limiting the impacts of poverty. About Campaign No, Silicon Valley - bugs are not features. Reach out about a technical issue, share your feedback or ask us about our favorite lunch spot in Miami. We’re here …